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The Second Protection for Bomb-disposal Squad

Posted on 12th Aug 2015 @ 10:19 AM

We know there is a special power ,their work is mines clearance and bombs disassemble,named Bomb-disposal Squad.When they got the order ,they have to approach the goals,unexploded  bombs at the first time.They have to close to and figure out the unexploded bombs by risking potential explosion.Sometimes they met timebomb,they have to figure out it before the ending time ,otherwise...Every step must be correct,the timebomb refuses any mistake.Sometimes they face to remote controlled bombs,that is more dangerous than timebomb,how if the terrorists press remote control to bomb when they approach ?How to protect our Bomb-disposal Squad?

50W High Power 4 Bands Wireless Explosionproof Signal Jammer

As we know ,they have already had a set of heavy and windtight anti-riot suit.But it seems not enough.So,we recommend the product 50W Hight Power 4 Bands Wireless Explosionproof Signal Jammer.It will be the second protection for Bomb-disposal Squad.


There is a camouflage knapsack for the Bomb-disposal Squad .When Bomb-disposal Squad want to access to remote controlled bombs,they can hold it on back.And then ,put it down and make it work-- now they can focus on bombs.The Explosionproof Signal Jammer will send interference signal to form a protective cover ,so the bombs can’t receive any orders from remote control of the terrorists.It means ,the the remote controlled bombs are out of control,can’t bomb when the terrorists order .The working scope of the Explosionproof Signal Jammer is up to 120 meters,and the weight is 25KG,it seems a little heavy...But it doesn’t matter,you don’t need to always keep it on your back when you are in working,just put it down...And the Explosionpproof Signal Jammer is easily for operating ,for saving time ,it is better that two members work together,one for bombs,one for the jammer.

Also,we can evacuate people from the danger to safety when the Explosionpproof Signal Jammer races against time.It is a wide protection for the masses.It is so important to us -- in the day of facing to more and more terrorist threaten.But please kindly note that, the product aims to protect privacy of users, should not be used for the criminal activities. So, please make sure your activities is permitted by laws, otherwise, we won’t be responsible for your all unlawful act.