Posted on 1st Dec 2015 @ 10:33 AM
So,what is the covering range of the high power signal jammer ?We TITLE it as a high power signal jammer with super wide covering range due to the total 868 Watt radio frequency power -- from 500 meters to 2000 meters.Jamming targets within its zone will be disabled,yes,lost abilities..
Now ,let’s see what the high power signal jammer can jam : 20-30 MHz/Radio Control Toys,Analog phone & Alarms /45W;30 -50 MHz / Radio Control Toys,Analog phones & /45 W;135-174 MHz/Walky -talky (VHF)/55W;310-350 MHz/Walky (UHF300)/55W;400 - 480 MHz /Walky-talky(UHF350)/55W;800-850MHz/Walky-Talky(UHF700/800),TETRA/100W;850-895MHz/Cellular,CDMA/TDMA,Walky-Talky(UHF800/900)/120W;925-960MHz/CellularGSM900/120W;1520-1580MHz/GPS & Satellite; Thuraya; Iridium; Odyssey; GlobalStar; Inmarsat; Aces; Elipso/45W;1805-1990MHz/Cellular HGSM1800/ DCS,Cellular GSM1900/ PCS (+ PHS )/100W;2110-2170MHz/Cellular UMTS / WCDMA ( 3G )/100W;2400-2500MHz/WLAN & Bluetooth & Wifi/28W.
And,this is a heavy,stationary device,total weight is 180KG including a protecting outer casing.Be quite suitable for using in military,prison,government,factory,company,dangerous cargo warehouse,and so on.If you need it move but keep working -- anyway,as long as you shall provide it an enough power supply.Such as ,it can move and carry out tasks with military to mountainous region,war zone,explosion proof region or transportation motorcades.And in prison,fix the high power signal jammer in the center,then in the range of 500 meters even to 2000 meters’ cell phones will be disabled -- we know some inmates get cell phones via some unlawful ways.The device helps prison guards to manage order of the hole prison.Please take the real Environment into your account,calculate whole area,barriers and other may influence jamming effect factors,to decide how many device you need ,where they should be fixed in.
For more details please chat with our online service.